Trinity College London is a leading international exam board and independent education charity that has been providing assessments around the world since 1877. Trinity specialized in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.
With over 850,000 candidates a year in more than 60 countries worldwide, Trinity qualifications are specifically designed to help students progress. Trinity's aim is to inspire teachers and learners through the creation of assessments that are enjoyable to prepare for, rewarding to teach and that develop the skills needed in real life.
Trinity College London also offer Rock & Pop exams for Bass, Drums, Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals. Trust the 140-year heritage Trinity brings to contemporary music, and benefit from marks and comments on your performance from Trinity's expert examiners.
Symphony Music Learning Center provides fully equipped facilities for performing and showcasing our students’ talents on a regular basis. It can be a solo performance or playing in a band. Being in a band is fun and this social activity gives the mental health benefits of this can't be underestimated. Performing on stage together or rehearsing with others will help you combat loneliness, feed your creativity, and help you build new friendships.
These stage shows help out students to think outside of the box and understand how to perform Infront of larger audience with confidence and face them with a smile to get rid of from the stage fright. We do also conduct special events, mega concerts and participate in various outdoor events to explore the music life apart from the class room.
Our professional recording and production studio providing our students a unique and rewarding experience to create their own albums along with music learning. We provide wide range of facilities and services to accommodate all our student’s needs with packages including Recording, Mixing and Mastering.
We are committed to quality productions. Also, our courses in Sound Engineering and music production gives our students a career prospects in live sound and studio recording methodologies to make sound design in their own pace and be proficient in post-production.